Central America

The isthmus connecting North and South America.


Panama is next to Guatemala my  favorite country in Central America.  Embracing the Isthmus and more than 1,600 islands off its Pacific and Caribbean coasts, the tropical nation’s history seemed to start with the construction of the Panama canal.

Costa Rica

Pura Vida. With its lush rain forests and national parks, wildlife and myriad of creatures, breathtaking landscapes, volcanoes, Costa Rica is worth a visit. However, it is very pricey due to, amongst others,  labor laws, establishing a powerful middle-class. The result is a stable economy due to export of bananas, coffee, sugar and beef and tourism.


It is about meeting many friendly and supporting people, on the road, in a public bus or a lancha, and listening to Nicaraguan life stories. A nation with a great hospitable heart.

El Salvador

Though El Salvador is the smallest country, it has  the 3rd largest economy across Central America.


Guate – one of my favorites – seems the only central american nation with ancient history.  It inhabits the most active volcanoes and a breathtaking scenery.


Go slow, but move. The small country at the Caribbean coastline is full of culture, diversity and adventures.


Why I will go back:

Vsit Honduras – after the governmental storms becomes quiet

Hike Atenango in Guate





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